A-2813 becomes Alcor’s 137th patient on May 25, 2015
Private member A-2813 was pronounced clinically dead on May 25, 2015 in Florida. A-2813, a whole body member, arrived at Alcor at 12:37am on May 26, becoming Alcor’s 137th patient.
This individual was in the ICU of a Florida hospital with acute respiratory problems that persisted for an extended period of time. His daughter initiated the process to have her father cryopreserved and completed the paperwork and provided funding to Alcor. Suspended Animation (SA) was put on alert early on when local physicians were concerned that the patient may not survive. His health improved for a while and then progressively became worse again. Suspended Animation was deployed for three days when the patient met our critical criteria but eventually the standby was discontinued following another rebound in health, but the patient’s status was monitored and reports send twice daily. Eight days later, on May 24, the patient’s health deteriorated suddenly and SA deployed again. At 6:47am EST on May 25, the SA team leader received a call from hospital staff that the patient had arrested and Code Blue resuscitation efforts had begun. SA Team members waiting outside the hospital gathered medications and equipment from the vehicle and moved to the CCU floor. After two full Code Blue protocols, patient was pronounced at 7:32 am EST and stabilization procedures began.
Following a washout at a local mortuary, the patient was flown to Phoenix, arriving at Alcor a little over 20 hours after pronouncement. Several complication arose during this case and will be discussed in the full case report (which is currently undergoing review). According to the patient’s daughter, “He was a highly decorated B-24 pilot in World War II and Korean War veteran so it was fitting that he should pass on Memorial day.”