The Limitless Future
The Limitless Future (28 min) from Alcor Life Extension Foundation on Vimeo.
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The Limitless Future is a 28-minute Alcor documentary video (2005). Discover how leading-edge science at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation is getting closer to making the dream of a vastly extended lifespan come true and how our notion of “death” is shifting. Includes interviews with world-renowned scientists including Dr. Aubrey de Grey, Department of Genetics at the University of Cambridge, explaining how life can be cryopreserved on the verge of death and then revitalized, giving us a second chance at a long and productive life, and Dr. Ralph Merkle, Distinguished Professor of Computing at Georgia Tech, exploring how molecular-sized machines will be able to repair damage to your body from aging or the devastating effects of cancer and other illnesses, including frostbite.